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SUGG for business

Happier employees, healthier business

People that bike to work are happier. 
SUGG for business enables employees to bring their best self to work.

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Bicycles are Belgium's most wanted fringe benefit
Fitter employees, 
less absenteeism.
100% deductible 
business expense

Reframe the travel to work with the ultimate commuter bike

Turn your workforce's dreaded commute into a journey that energizes and helps them unwind. Boost wellbeing for your team - and your company with the SUGG Mini bike.

Super light

And super compact.
SUGG fits snugly under your desk.

Peace of mind in every turn

Theft insurance and a wide maintenance network.

Easy climb, easy go

Rocketing you uphill effortlessly.

Fits your whole team

One SUGG-frame for everyone.

Go everywhere, every day

SUGG fits anywhere - trains, subways, offices and car trunks. Say hello to freedom.

Which solution is best for you?

All-in, carefree riding for teams - large and small.

Custom bike fleets

Provide employees with their own personal SUGG mini bike.

Lease or financing.
Flexible pricing.
Peace of mind maintenance, anti-theft insurance.
Accessories for a safe commute.
2-year warranty.
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Corporate pool bikes

Pool bikes that are always available for your employees' convenience.

Flexible pricing.
Peace of mind maintenance, 
anti-theft insurance.
Customised with your company branding.
Team test rides.
One frame fits all. Everyone happy.
Get a quote

A powerful contribution to your green mobility plan

No emissions, no hassle. We help you provide eco-friendly mobility that supports your sustainability goals, boosts your brand, and offers colleagues a bike that suits their urban lives.

Get started

Tell us more

Complete the form. We'll get in touch to discuss your needs and propose a tailored solution.

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